Thursday, October 8, 2015

How to Be a Better Person Instead of Making Excuses for Mediocrity

So I wrote this on Facebook, and I figured this is something that is actually more applicable here on the Work of Kings blog. I saw this pic, and while I understand where the original creator was coming from, I think it excuses way too much and puts you into the position of settling for mediocrity and failure, justifying mistakes, and excusing poor behavior and bad decisions.

The Original Picture as Seen on Facebook

So I took the captions under each picture and rewrote them the way I thought they should have been written, if you're a King. The following is the result.

Your mistakes are the results of poor decisions, poor planning, or poor information gathering skills. Don't fuck up anymore.

Look at other people and see what they're doing right, and see how you can do that too in your own way. Don't be a loser.

There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything. If the way you are doing things isn't accomplishing the desired results, you are doing it wrong. Change that shit.

If you believe something unpopular, evaluate whether or not you're a fucked up asshole with entitlement issues. If you're not, figure out why everyone else doesn't see what you see, and find a way to show them. There's probably money to be made there.

Pay attention to people who criticize you. Listen to what they say, and if they are right, change yourself to be right. If they are wrong, they can fuck right off. Regardless, consider cursing them.

Your weakness is not a feature, it is a weakness. Learn to compensate for your weaknesses with your strengths. Be strong.

Look at your past as a series of choices made based on resources you had and information you believed, and figure out if it's really brought you to where you wanted to be. Change things that suck.

PRACTICE makes talent awesome. Practice makes even people without a talent in an area skillful. Apply PRACTICE to everything you want to be better in your life.

Everyone else is as fucked up as you are, but they're excusing it while you're getting over your shit. You are better than they are.

Unwarranted self-esteem is the most annoying thing on the planet. If you feel really good about yourself even though you're completely disfunctional and incapable of accomplishing what you want, you're more likely to think it's not you, it's everyone else. But really, it's you. You are your biggest problem. Be happy with what you do that you like. Fix the things you do that don't work.

Express your anger in a creative way. This is spot on. Quit destroying yourself and others in your world with your uncreative repressed rage. Fuck some shit up that leads to rebirth and renewal for a change.

Surround yourself with peers and superiors, and consider it a challenge before the whole human race that you will never lose. Then be better than them at everything you are interested in being better at than them.